Transform your home with stunning landscape lighting in Lunenburg. Our services bring beauty and security to your property.
Rose Lights has been a trusted name in Lunenburg for landscape lighting solutions. Our electricians are skilled in providing energy-efficient lights and complete electrical services. We’re committed to quality and customer satisfaction, serving Worcester County and MA with excellence.
Landscape lighting is more than just illumination; it’s an art form that speaks to a home’s aesthetic and functionality. At Rose Lights, we specialize in landscape lighting design, offering beautiful and practical solutions. From residential lighting to outdoor audio systems, our services cover all your needs in Lunenburg and Worcester County. We make sure your property shines. To start your project, contact us at 774-482-1991. Ready to transform your space? Let Rose Lights light the way!
Lunenburg was first settled by Europeans in 1718 and was officially incorporated in 1728. The name stems from one of the titles of King George II of Great Britain, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg. During King George’s War (1744-1748), French-allied First Nations, such as warriors of the M’iq Maq or Abenaki Confederacy, raided the village and took settlers captive to Quebec.
Areas of neighboring Fitchburg were once part of Lunenburg, but broke away around 1764. The settlers found the walking distance to church and town meetings too great and needed their own town center.
Whalom Park on Whalom Lake had long been a noted amusement park in Lunenburg during the 20th century. It was home of the famous Flyer Comet, now demolished. The park closed in 2000, unable to survive the competition with the newer and increasingly popular Six Flags New England in Agawam.
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