Transform your home with stunning landscape lighting in Lancaster. Our services bring beauty and security to your property.
Rose Lights has been a trusted name in Lancaster for landscape lighting solutions. Our electricians are skilled in providing energy-efficient lights and complete electrical services. We’re committed to quality and customer satisfaction, serving Worcester County and MA with excellence.
Landscape lighting is more than just illumination; it’s an art form that speaks to a home’s aesthetic and functionality. At Rose Lights, we specialize in landscape lighting design, offering beautiful and practical solutions. From residential lighting to outdoor audio systems, our services cover all your needs in Lancaster and Worcester County. We make sure your property shines. To start your project, contact us at 774-482-1991. Ready to transform your space? Let Rose Lights light the way!
In 1643 Lancaster was first settled as “Nashaway” (named after the local Nashaway Native American tribe) by a group of colonists known as the Nashaway Company who may have initially been interested in iron deposits in the area. Several of the company were blacksmiths or gunsmiths, including, Herman Garrett, and as early as 1653 a settler, George Adams, was whipped for selling guns and alcohol to the Indians in the area. The town was officially incorporated and renamed “Lancaster on the Nashua” in 1653. Prominent Massachusetts military leader Simon Willard served as an advisor to the company and eventually settled in Lancaster for a period, and provided guns to the local tribe by order of the Massachusetts General Court.
Supporters of Lancaster’s founder, John Prescott, born in 1604 (great grandfather of Bunker Hill leader William Prescott), wished to name the new settlement Prescott, but the Massachusetts General Court considered such a request from a common freeman presumptuous, given that at that time, not even a governor had held the honor of naming a town after himself. Instead, they decided to use Lancaster, the name of Prescott’s home town in England.
Until it was cut down in 1989 due to safety concerns, Lancaster boasted the largest oak tree in the state, called the Beaman Oak, named after settler Gamaliel Beaman (1623-1677).
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